Heroes & Generals is unconventional war game designed for multiplayer online. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it offers players three different types of gameplay. The first is a standard shooter with a view from the first-person perspective, the second is a browser strategy game, and the third is a set of mini-games dedicated to modern smartphones. Title created a Danish studio Reto Moto, founded by former members of the company IO Interactive, which created the popular Hitman series. Titles by artists from Copenhagen primarily focuses on gameplay FPP. Mechanics reminiscent of many shooters and MMOs on the market. Thus, it makes it possible to create different character classes (e.g. A sniper, pilot, tanker), purchase equipment, score in the game with or buy real money silver and gold coins, and then engage in clashes in large and diverse maps , similar in size to those taking part in Battlefield series. Heroes & Generals Free Download for PCDuring the FPP play mode our task is to acquire/defend key locations on the maps, acquiring supply points that allow the rebirth closer to the front lines, as well as invading enemy terrain and Allow sabotage enemy actions. The creators saw the possibility of driving all kinds of vehicles, such as airplanes, tanks and armored vehicles, but also - surprise - bicycles. Fun mode FPP relies on teamwork and offers the opportunity to play simultaneously dozens of players.
It also includes many elements pecking through realism, such as determining the power of the throw, the need to repair vehicles and weapons, or changing weather conditions and the cycle of day and night. The item used in Heroes & Generals different from other gaming genre plays is primarily a strategic mode. Directions attack on the maps FPP are determined on the decisions taken on the two-dimensional map of the entire theater of war. It is divided into small dots connected by supply lines that vary in color depending on who controls them - Allied or German forces. from the infantry division, the unit of the mechanized infantry and armored divisions to the fighter squadron - create virtual money in the game and acquire it for the various types of combat troops. The player can then send into battle. When you reach the point of fighting, the server creates an FPP game format or automatically determines the start. The people involved in the game at the shooters can also ask for the support of the players in a strategic mode a lot of time. In this way, the situation at the front is constantly changing and is very dynamic. Strategic mode is dedicated to all lovers of classic games in the style of Hearts of Iron or Panzer General. It allows planning defense and attack, and everything is done through a standard web browser, where we can see the strategic map of the country on which operations are carried out. The final element on Heroes & be called generals. Casual games.
CPU Speed: 2GHz CPU w. SSE3 instruction set- dual-core
OS: Windows 7, 8 or 10
GPU: ATI HD 4810/NVIDIA 9600 GT or above (with >512mb RAM)
Heroes & Generals is a product of the MMOFPS genre, set in the realities of World War II. It was produced by the Danish company Reto Moto. Interestingly, this game, apart from being a classic shooter, is also a strategy game. It is a really interesting combination, especially since in the game our virtual soldier gets military ranks for the experience points he earns. Initially, being an ordinary recruit, we can create a team of 3, but when we are a sergeant, lieutenant, etc., the number of places in our team is increased by an additional field. In addition, with the promotion, we have the option of marking the members of our platoon on the map with tasks to perform such as attack, defense. The game features a wide range of weapons and vehicles from the greatest war in human history.
Heroes & Generals does not require us to choose a specific faction that we will play until the end. Each of the three factions is playable for us, we only have to choose when we start ranking games and we are not forced to be faithful to one faction. As soon as the war (ranking mode) ends with the victory of one of the 3 factions, we can start a new war and choose another faction during the ranking game. Heroes & Generals has a system of micro transactions, we can buy premium currency (gold) for which you can buy weapon upgrades, premium account, war bonds - which ensure a constant increase in premium currency, we can buy a new character, different camouflage for uniform and many other things.
Heroes & Generals With the ending word, Heroes and Generals is a very interesting combination of a shooter and a strategy game. The graphics are simply beautiful considering the recommended parameters. It is worth mentioning the great, realistic impact of hits and the feeling of shooting, shooting at the opponent, we feel that we have a solid piece of equipment in our hands with bullets on the combat load and we can make the opponent a colander out of the body. The game surprised me very positively, I recommend it to anyone interested in the period of World War II, you will definitely have a lot of fun.