Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle complete edition of Attack on Titan 2, an adaptation of the anime series (and manga) known in Poland as Attack on Titans. Additional content can be obtained by purchasing the Final Battle Upgrade Pack. Similar to the 2018 original, the production was developed by the Omega Force studio, which specializes in the slasher genre. Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle Download for PC Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle takes us to a fantastic post-apocalyptic world. After giant titans appeared, humanity found itself on the brink of destruction. The survivors take shelter in the walled fortress cities, and their last hope are specially trained warriors to face the giants. The original Attack on Titan 2 presented the events of the second season of the series, but the Final Battle version was enriched with heroes and missions from the third series.
In Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle we watch the action from a third person perspective (TPP). The pillar of the game is duels with the titular giants, which we eliminate with the help of melee weapons (in this version, the authors give us additional murder tools, at the forefront with a weapon called Thunder Spear), gradually stripping their limbs to knock them down and to do . It is worth noting that due to their gigantic size, we spend most of our time in the air thanks to the instrument called Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear. Of course, the titans try to destroy or capture the protagonist. Because of this, you should always be on the lookout for skirmishes to be able to quickly dodge if necessary. In the intervals between consecutive duels, we can visit the hero's settlement to upgrade or repair his equipment, teach him new skills and talk to neutral characters (some of them have side quests for us). In Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle you can play alone or with other players in an online cooperative mode. The three-dimensional graphics of Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle are very popular as they are kept in the manga style known from the original. In addition, well-known actors from the original play the role of individual characters.
CPU: Core I5 2400 or over.
RAM: 6 GB.
OS: Win 7/8.1/10 64bit.
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 VRAM 1GB or over.
HDD: 30 GB.
Fans of anime and manga with the same title "Attack on Titan" need no introduction. Others will be interested in the fact that humanity is dying out, a new enemy has emerged. Because we are talking about them, the titans are creatures resembling humans, but they are distinguished from them by their height. The smallest is five meters high, the medium is seven meters and the tallest is fifteen. Humanity, not knowing how to deal with the new threat, was forced to flee and hide behind high walls. The decision made allowed them to survive long enough to construct a weapon that would allow them to kill the Titan and gain a chance in unequal combat. The world is not entirely friendly to people, but they manage. Humanity has a weapon at its disposal to kill the Tans, and a squad of scouts goes beyond the wall gathering information, seeking to kill all the Titans and regain land for the Humans.
The game should be a direct sequel, but it is not. Most of the game is known to the players of the first part, for about 75-80% we repeat what we have already played. Only later do we get the opportunity to get acquainted with the second season of the anime. This time, however, we observe everything from the staring eyes. We do not play the manga characters, but we are just a viewer who has the ability to interact with them. This opens up new opportunities for us and refreshes a story that some of us have already dealt with. However, this does not change the fact that the whole game is very pleasant and you can feel our helplessness. There are many missions, and after the game is over, we can come back to them to improve our achievements. In addition, we also gain the opportunity to complete special tasks and kill special Titans. We will fight the Panzer Titan who is very durable and can charge. A Titan woman, a very agile and agile opponent, and a few others.
Compared to the first part, the player has much more equipment at his disposal. We gain access to better and better equipment as the plot progresses. Each weapon can have special abilities such as greater attack on special Titans. It is also sometimes associated with the downside of pissing off Titan at us faster. The kits have special parameters that start when all the required parts are completed. We can mix everything freely, but then we will not get bonuses for the set. Each player will find something for themselves, blades setting Titan's fragments on fire, chainsword bringing to mind the world of Warhammer 40k. We will feel like a powerful Space Marine brandishing a Chainsword, with each attack we make a saw sound.