Darksiders III The third installment in the popular series of adventure action games. Darksiders III was created in Gunfire Games Studio. In previous sections we adopted the Horsemen of the Apocalypse; This time we are leading a wizard named Furia. Darksiders III is the third part of the Slasherów Darksiders series, which started in 2010 with the same title. The Vigil Games team was responsible for the first two parts, but the owner THQ went bankrupt and the brand was sold to the Austrian publisher Nordic Games (now THQ Nordic). The three were created by developers at the Gunfire Games studio, founded by former Vigil Games employees. Darksiders III Download for PC In Darksiders III we play the Fury - a magician whose task is to restore the balance between evil and good on earth. To do this, he must defeat the seven deadly sins and their minions.
Fury is a powerful warrior with a magical whip and powers to access new attack forms, moves, and abilities. The production action takes place in a world designed as a long sow that gradually reveals new locations and secret passages. In addition to combat, equally important and challenging environmental puzzles await us. Darksiders III's graphic design has been kept in the same graphic style as its predecessors. Its main attraction is this characteristic, comical style and more and more incredible locations that are further from the surface of the earth. Like the previous installments in the series, Darksiders III is a formidable slasher, action-oriented adventure game set to combat. The rolling system is quite extensive and offers various hits and combos.
CPU: AMD FX-8320 (3,5 GHz) / Intel i5-4690K (3,5 GHz) or better.
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit.
GPU: GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon R7 370 with 2 GB VRAM.
HDD: 25 GB.
Do you remember the betrayal of the first horseman of the apocalypse - War? And the subsequent attempt by Death to redeem his brother's sins? If so, you will immediately jump into the story told in Darksiders 3. Pugnacious Fury appears at a time when War is still imprisoned by the Council of the Ashes, and Death has not yet returned from his mission. After a short welcome, the game immediately throws us into the heart of the adventure in which we hunt for the Seven Deadly Sins. Interestingly enough, after a few minutes we face the first of them - Jealousy (Embodiment of Bitterness), which makes us feel how much Darksiders 3 is at odds with each other.
The whole skirmish consists of moments of arcade combat, short exchanges of blows and a lot of running on the footbridges to jump towards the opponent that keeps flying up. If we collapse, we go back several dozen meters to the last checkpoint to kill a few more monsters, and then start running on the platforms again. This connection may not seem problematic, but after a repetition to the start after a wrongly measured jump and a two or three minute walk, it can get frustrating. This is not the only such situation in Darksiders 3.
Based on the system of checkpoints - the equivalent of souls bonfires - the game throws us again and again to the location, where for no reason it tells us to run through empty corridors to the boss located two-three minutes away, without throwing any challenges along the way. It also makes us a bit maliciously jump over the same boring platforms, run through the same empty corridors, because we have to pay this nonsense price for death. Luckily, that's not the rule either. In Darksiders 3, many auto-save locations scattered around the map are located in such a way that we actually do something interesting and "useful" between them and an important goal.