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Budget Cuts PC Download

Budget Cuts I'm not sold on virtual reality, but I'm certainly interested in hiding in vents and lobbing knives on robots' faces. This is Budget Cuts, a first-person stealth game coming to Valve and HTC's Vive space-sensing cybergoggles. Imagine, if you can, reach into a virtual world with your own hands and... Dip a dead robot into a trash can. That future is almost here. It took me a while to realize, in case you weren't two-slinging: the teleportation portals aren't just fancy sneaky tricks, they're how you get around. Locomotion is a problem VR people still wrestle with, especially when VR is combined with motion controllers (like the Vive is). One solution we're seeing a bit is "point to move" type stuff, and here's that pulled into the game world as a portal gun. I'm impressed at how quickly the player reports at the points of the trailer and zips around as he goes.

Budget Cuts PC Download

Anyway, I'm also into diving into places and hiding in vents and jumping through drawers and of course throwing throwing knives at robot faces and then dunking them in containers. Valve Chet Faliszek said on Twitter: "If you ever get me to talk about an amazing stealth game on the [Vive], this is it". Yes, I think he has a soft spot for Vive games, but his enthusiasm makes up for it for me. Details are scarce right now, but developers Neat Corporation are calling this video "a very early look" so Budget Cuts probably isn't a fair way to go just yet. As for the Vive itself, pre-orders will start at the end of February then it will launch in April. No word yet on how much the goggles cost.

Budget Cuts PC Download
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Budget Cuts PC

Game Producer:
Neat Corporation
Game publisher:
Neat Corporation
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CPU: Intel i5-4590 / AND FX 8350 equivalent or greater
OS: Windows 7 64-bit (Service Pack 1) or newer
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or greater

Additional information

Corporate satire is common across gaming but rarely focuses on issues faced by automation. Taking this concept into an action stealth title with murderous robots, Budget Cuts finally lands on PlayStation VR two years after its PC launch and it’s been worth the wait. Developed by Neat Corporation, you play as a human employee of megacorporation TransCorp, experts at cost-cutting robot production. Discovering human employees have gone missing once summoned to HR, both your life and job are under threat.

Bringing a sense of freedom here in defying your CEO, you become guided through phone calls by a mysterious helper, Winta, who leaves a Translocator at your desk. This basically acts as a portal gun, letting you move around via teleportation and by shooting your chosen area, you can see what’s around the corner too. It lets you proceed sneakily across the building with minimal risk and shooting through vents can grant access to closed-off areas too, also adding an element of puzzle-solving.

As you proceed, Transcorp’s more militant robots patrol the corridors and attack any humans on sight, so you need to come armed. Using your other controller to pick up objects, the Translocator can hold a limited inventory and each area contains spare letter openers and scissors, letting you stab robots for brutal takedowns. Combat is slightly awkward in places but landing those kills proves highly satisfying, making great use of the PlayStation Move controllers.

It’s just a shame that the campaign only lasts a few hours, though there is a separate arcade mode to keep players busy. If you can look past that issue, Budget Cuts is a fantastic experience that all PSVR owners should play. Offering an engaging and fully immersive experience, we can only hope the sequel also makes its way to PSVR in good time.

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